

Read the Full Post Below  Introducing! Our big surprise is finally here! After taking time to vote for the new Math Movie Network logo, we’re prepared to announce what we’ve been working on for the past few months. We’d...


Read the Full Post Below  Arrrrrithmetic Arrrggh my mateys. Today be one o’ our favorite days. It just so happens t’ be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Every year we plan out an activity that we can complete t’ celebrate t’ day....
1, 2, 3…Fore!

1, 2, 3…Fore!

As our final math project for the year, we tied together many of the topics that we learned about to build our own mini-golf course! Students took what the knowledge they had gained about perimeter, area, angles, mean, median, and mode and used this in the planning,...
LearnZillion: Common Core Videos

LearnZillion: Common Core Videos

Over the summer, Mr. Avery was lucky enough to have had the opportunity to work for a great new company called LearnZillion. LearnZillion is a new website that focuses on having teachers create videos that correlate to the Common Core. Back in June, 123 teachers from...