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Oct 10, 2013 | 2 comments

Our big surprise is finally here! After taking time to vote for the new Math Movie Network logo, we’re prepared to announce what we’ve been working on for the past few months. We’d like to introduce to you…!
As you know, we’ve been making math videos for quite some time now. Not only are they fun to do but it’s great to be able to share what we’re learning with other classes from across the world. As we put our math videos up on our blog, we learned that other classes were making incredible videos too! We wanted to find a place to share those so we originally made the Student Math Movie Wiki so that other classes could add their own math movies to the site. However, that website wasn’t the easiest to navigate so now we made

This website will be student run and will host videos from many different classes. We currently have videos from Mrs. Yollis’ class, Mr. Salsich’s class, as well as our own! We have a few other classes that have offered up their videos to put on the site so we’ll be adding those soon too!

The great part about this site is that you can create your own account by clicking the “sign up” button at the top of the page. Then, anytime you like a video on the site, it will get saved to your account for easy access later! This will make it easy to find videos as we continue to add more to the site!

Do you have any videos featuring students teaching math concepts that we can add to our website? We’d love to share them with others. Just head on over to the site and click on the “Submit a Video” tab or you can share it with us by clicking here.

If you’d like to get an idea of what some of our math videos look like, check out some of our more popular ones that we’ve made down below!

Will your class add any math videos to the Math Movie Network website?

What’s your favorite math video you’ve watched?