

Read the Full Post Below  Arrrrrithmetic Arrrggh my mateys. Today be one o’ our favorite days. It just so happens t’ be International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Every year we plan out an activity that we can complete t’ celebrate t’ day....
Math Movie Network:  Exponents and Order of Operations

Math Movie Network: Exponents and Order of Operations

The Math Movie Network is back, bringing you the latest from our sixth grade classroom! This time, some of our experts provide you with a look at how to solve problems with exponents and the order of operations. One of the topics that we’ve been learning all...
Math Movie Network:  Decimals

Math Movie Network: Decimals

Production on set of our Math Movie Network has kicked into gear. Students have been hard at work preparing for our first video shoot by learning how to add, subtract, and multiply decimals. We learned that when adding or subtracting decimals, the decimal points...