Our Family Blogging Month wrapped up just last week. We had such an amazing response from friends and family! We heard from family members as far away as Florida, Texas, and even Norway! We had close to 400 comments just for the month of January!

Part of our Family Blogging Month was our challenge to see who could have the most friends and family members comment. The winner from each class was to win their own blog! We got each of those blogs up and running just last week. The students have been learning how to navigate the Edublogs dashboard, how to add widgets, how to moderate comments, and how to write a quality post. So now, I’d love to introduce you to the first two student blogs!

Speaking of Taite

Taite was at the top of the 6th grade for total comments received from friends and family members! She’s been an amazing writer all year and very deserving of her own blog!

Tessa Time

Tessa was at the top of Miss Girard’s homeroom for comments. She has been extremely active with the blog all year being one of our top commenters for the year!

With Family Blogging Month being such a huge success and our students playing such a pivotal role in the success of our blog this year, it was impossible to only give out just two student blogs. There were so many others who are also very deserving of earning their own blog. So, five other student blogs were also handed out!

Kidding With Kirstyn

Bryan’s Awesome Blog

Hanging With Hannah

No ProblEMMA

Sam’s Story

We’re all so excited to see what exciting stories they have to share with us! Please drop by and leave them a comment, some support, and they’d certainly all love to start adding up some dots on those Clustrmaps!

If you have your own blog, do you have any recommendations for our new bloggers?

What would you love to see these bloggers write about?