Donors Choose is an online charity that allows others to donate to projects created by teachers. The projects can cover a variety of items including classroom supplies, technology, or other specialties.

Previously this year, we had two projects up on Donors Choose. One had asked for a new video camera to help improve the quality of the videos that we were creating for our math movies. The second was for two iPod Touches that we could use during centers in our classroom. Thanks to the incredible support of parents and others, both of these projects were funded!

We just recently received both packages and were eager to put them to use! We hope you enjoy some pictures of the newest additions to our classroom!

Thank you so much to everyone who made this happen for us! We absolutely love all our new tools and will make the best of them to continue our learning throughout the year!

Have you had a chance to use iPod Touches in school before? How have you used them?

What are some ways that we could use the video camera besides for math movies?